Project Description

Egypt – Dabaa

Value: > 500 Million Dollars

Client Egyptian Military
Location Egypt
Total Area 75, 000 Feddan
Farmable Area 75, 000 Feddan
Proximity to Nile River 20 KM
Area under Irrigation 75, 000 Feddan
Egyptian Military
Total Area
75, 000 Feddan
Farmable Area
75, 000 Feddan
Proximity to Nile River
20 KM
Area under Irrigation
75, 000 Feddan

IFS Global has come a long way in developing a sustainable agricultural strategy for Egypt.

The key was finding a powerful partner who could fast track farm infrastructure, Electro- mechanical, well drilling and Irrigation. The surprising solution has been the mighty Egyptian Airforce! (EAF)

  • Never in the history of Egypt has a Farm project been able to be rolled out so fast and yet in such a sustainable way
  • Starting in May 2017 the EAF has rolled out over 1000 x 75 feddan Reinke pivots in less than one year from the start date
  • Installing all pumps, wells, roads etc. to make it a truly amazing project

IFS Global is the sole Reinke Dealer in the Middle East

Think your project deserves
the best in agriculture?

Think your project deserves
the best in agriculture?

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